Project Hope Foundation was founded in 1997 by two moms looking for services for their young sons with autism. As the rate of autism has expanded to 1 in 36, our mission has expanded into providing a lifespan of autism services. We have four core programs: therapy, education, adult services, and community engagement. All of our programs are grounded in the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). We have eight campuses. We are broad in our scope, serving across ages (from two to young adults), across the spectrum of autism (from those working on basic communication skills to those preparing for college), and across programs (ABA therapy, speech and occupational therapy, autism-specific classroom models, support in private/public classes, adult day services and employment, social groups, life skills, community outreach, family guidance, and professional trainings). We are individualized in our approach, seeking to meet the unique needs of each specific person. Our programs benefit not only the individual affected with autism but also the entire family, all of whom are forever changed by this diagnosis, and the community at large.
Our therapy and adult services have been honored to be designated as United Way of the Piedmont's programs of excellence. Our educational program, accredited through SCISA, received the Education Spirit Award through the Community Foundation of Greenville, Greenville Journal, and Town Magazine. Based on our use of funding, we received the Angel Award from the SC Secretary of State.
We are the largest ABA-based autism service provider in South Carolina. No other South Carolina organization offers our range of services and support for the autism community.

“Project Hope Foundation gave us just that: hope. I can’t begin to explain this amazing group of people ... They have an amazing heart for these kids and their families.”
An Overview of Services by Mark Knight, Director of Services - June 14, 2022
Project Hope Foundation Leadership
Board of Directors
Joe Vaughn, Chair
Kelly Fairbairn, Vice Chair
Doug Hayes, Treasurer Lisa Hyman Lane, Secretary
Kristin Bennett
Linda Dolny-Lister
Lisa Hyman Lane
Stephanie Martin
Susan Sachs Alonzo Thompson
History of Project Hope Foundation
Our Funding
As a nonprofit organization, Project Hope Foundation works diligently to provide quality services as efficiently and effectively as possible. Project Hope Foundation’s programs receive funding support from a variety of sources, including insurance, Medicaid, Medicaid waivers, and Exceptional SC Scholarships. However, we must raise over $1 million annually to cover the funding gap for our services.
To do so, we rely on:
our annual fundraising events;
local, state, and federal grants, and
corporate and individual donors.
Based on our use of funding, we received the Angel Award from the SC Secretary of State.