Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), a widely researched and evidence-based practice, uses concepts that are familiar (such as reinforcement, prompting, generalizing) in systematic ways to teach skills and to replace problem behaviors with more appropriate ones. Our ABA therapy is provided by nationally certified behavior analysts and registered behavior technicians. Occupational therapy and speech and language therapy are also available through Project Hope Foundation for the convenience of our families.

A key component of our therapy services is to prepare children with autism to become successful members of classrooms, able to learn alongside peers. To meet the wide spectrum of needs of students with autism, we have developed a variety of educational options, including our own school, Hope Academy, and supportive services for students enrolled in various local public and private schools.

Adult Services
As the population of adults with autism expands exponentially, we are working to develop innovative services to meet a wide range of needs and to shape policies that will fund these services. We provide day services that focus on building communication, social engagement, and community interaction. We also provide employment services, with the option of working in our on-site entrepreneurial digital shirt-printing business.

Community engagement
Autism doesn't just affect the child who has the diagnosis. Autism changes everything for the entire family. Project Hope Foundation helps improve the quality of family life by offering opportunities to develop plans, connect with resources, gain training, and receive ongoing support. We also offer specialized training for childcare providers, teachers, medical professionals, and other groups who interact with the autism community. We provide speakers to civic organizations who want information bout autism, available services, and advocacy needs.