How to Avoid Nude Hikers - The Power of Support

Autism advocates talk a lot about how we need to “support” people on the spectrum.

But when we say “autistic people need support” what does that actually mean?

It means giving someone access to an item/activity/service/modification that eliminates or reduces the challenges that are caused by their disability.

Some people have this idea that providing support and accommodations means a person is getting “the easy way out”. As an autistic person myself, I want to explain to you why that is not the case. Let’s start by talking about what “support” DOESN’T mean. Giving someone support does not mean that tasks or activities are made easy. Having support does not mean that all struggles associated with the task have been eliminated.

Here’s an example to help illustrate what I mean: Hikers like to take long walks outside for fun, for exercise, as a personal challenge or because they’re crazy, or some combination of those reasons. Hiking can be incredibly difficult because it requires someone to be in decent physical shape and have a certain amount of motivation. Hikers do certain things to support themselves so that they can reach their goals. This can include wearing hiking boots, carrying a backpack, or wearing bug spray. Just because they’re wearing hiking boots does not mean the hike becomes easy. Having a backpack will not make the hike shorter, and bug spray won’t mean they’ll never encounter pests. However, these tools provide support in making the hike possible for the hiker.

Now imagine a hiker who is motivated to hike a long distance on a difficult trail, but this time, the hiker is completely naked and isn’t carrying anything. This hiker is unsupported and will face all the same challenges of the hike, but now they have the additional challenge on top of it all, which is completing the hike in the nude. They will face struggles with cuts on their feet, the inability to carry water or supplies and they will have no protection from the elements. 

Receiving support as a disabled person is much like giving clothing and supplies to a hiker. The support does not eliminate the challenging components of the task, but it does make the challenging pieces manageable.


As a person with a disability, having access to therapies, sensory tools, medical care, and modifications is equivalent to a hiker putting on boots, protective clothing, and carrying supplies. It does not make the activity or task easy and it does not eliminate the struggle involved. It just eases the additional and unnecessary difficulties caused by having a disability in a world that is not designed for nude hikers.